In Georgia, we are voting for a bunch of primary races tomorrow.
And there were various like elections throughout the year across the country. (April citizens of New Orleans voted for a city mayor; and Ohio had a strong race for governor.) The rest of the country will vote for these minor offices for their state, county and town in November.
So what are your plans? Did you schedule time to vote?
I plead with you to make it so!
Several unbiased voting statistics show turnout for people ages 25-34 (the demographic of the
Regardless, here's an interesting article that may enlighten or remind you about our political process:
4/1/2006 AP: ...It also has generated rumors, mostly on the Internet,
that black Americans will lose the right to vote en masse next year. The rumors have prompted officials at the U.S. Justice Department to post a notice on their Web site. "It's important for folks to know that the right to vote even if those sections expire will not expire," said Justice Department spokesman Eric
W. Holland. The provisions last renewed by Congress in 1982 for 25 years
cover a wide range of protections. They allow the government to approve new
voting procedures in areas with histories of discrimination and send election
monitors to make sure voters are allowed to cast ballots and their votes are
counted. The provisions also send officials to register voters in counties where
blacks are refused registration. "It's a myth that we stand to lose the right to
vote, but we do stand to lose critical protections that have allowed us to
participate fully in the political process," said Debo Adegbile, associate
director of litigation at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. "We've
seen consistently, even with the provisions in place, continuing efforts to
weaken minority voices in the electoral process.
Voting has now been made easy. Gone are the days of literacy tests...or are they?
Last year the state of Georgia almost got away with a new one as they attempted to pass the voter I.D. law. But, we are safe for make sure you matter inconvenient it is for you.
After all, how inconvenient was it for the ones who waited in the southern heat for hours and days to be de spat and sprayed, and paved the way for us. Don't disrespect your ancestors!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh, Oh, Oh...need to know the issues, candidates and how to register to vote in your state? Check out any one of these sites:,,, or your state's secretary of state's website.
And in GA:, and,
and who's running:
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